As a sports coach, I have to adapt to all situations. I have to adapt to different people with their own personal problems and goals. I have to be able to target their potential and their needs in order to provide the right answer. To achieve this, I offer many services with different objectives.

The different coaching services provided by Bigalcoaching

weight loss

Cellulite, flabby belly, a lack of muscle tone… don’t panic! You’re probably wondering how to get back the body you love, and above all, if you can do it! Let me reassure you, it is possible with a little help.

My weight loss service can help you in this process. I will analyze your needs and capacities. I will create a sports program and coach you on your nutrition… Together, we will find the best way to reach your goal.

physical preparation

Are you an athlete at heart and want to optimize your performance? I’m here for that! You will gain in speed, improve your endurance, minimize the risk of injury (muscle strain, cramps, soreness…), and improve your chances of success by following my coaching sessions.

weight training

Whether you’re a man or a woman, you want to gain muscle mass. You’ve come to the right place! Let’s face it, joining a bodybuilding competition is not for everyone, whether you don’t have the time, don’t want to, or it’s simply not your goal. However, everyone can build muscles and sculpt them to the best of their ability. My goal is to help you gain muscles quickly and safely through a customized program, a nutritional plan and high-quality weight training equipment.


Many health problems can be addressed with the right exercise. If you suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression or even a more serious illness, I can help you improve your daily life through sport. Of course, it depends on your health problem. You should take certain precautions: ask for medical advice, measure your blood pressure, etc.

Classes for children

Do you have a child or teenager and want to give them the best start in life? My coaching programs are also adapted to children. Sport has many benefits for children: it improves their concentration, confidence, discipline, strength, etc.

My programs are designed to accommodate each child or teenager in a fun and enjoyable way.

My goal is to help you reach your goals!

I want to help every individual suffering from unhappiness to reach a solution. My goal is to help you feel good about yourself again, no matter what your problems are. I hope you will find what you are looking for in my different services. For more details, please click on their dedicated pages!


Adresse: RFX, Z.I. En Reutet 9, 1868 Collombey-Muraz
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